• Ahmad Sauqi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mandala
  • Mohd. Farid Shamsudin Kuala Lumpur University
  • Helmi Agus Salim Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mandala
  • Saiful Amin Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mandala
Keywords: Quality, Product, Statistical, Processing, Control


The pandemic has made many businesses out of business, one of the affected business activities is Sakila's printing business. Initial surveys show an average of 4.46% of production damage. The direction of this research is to control quality with statistical aids in the form of SPC. The results showed that this printer experienced various deviations, as evidenced by the p chart value which was still outside the control limit. The graphic map showed there were 17 points outside the control limit. The total damage from 6 product items for a month amounted to 4543 from a total production of 70,647. Sequentially, the worst damage was in the opaque damage 2740, the damage was not in accordance with the layout 1008 and the damage due to being cut was 795. The factors causing the damage were workers, production machines, raw materials, work methods and the work environment.


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How to Cite
Sauqi, A., Shamsudin, M. F., Salim, H. A., & Amin, S. (2022). PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROL ANALYSIS BY USING STATISTICAL PROCESSING CONTROL ON PRINTING SAKILA JEMBER. MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication, 5(1), 463 - 474.