• Ummu Hanik Higher Education of Economic Mandala
  • Imam Suroso Higher Education of Economic Mandala
  • Muhaimin Dimyati Higher Education of Economic Mandala


This research aims to know and analyze the influence of leadership and the award
system to performance through work motivation. The subjectsof this research are the
employees of Technical Implementation Unit for Services Revenue East Java province all
ordinate of Probolinggo that consist of 77 people.
This research uses explanatory research. As the independent variable is leadership (X1)
and award system (X2), the intervening variableis work motivation (Y1), and the
dependent variable is performance (Y2). Analyses of the data used are validity and
reliability, the classic assumption test, the suitability of the model test and path analysis.
The result shows that the leadership has a significant effect on work motivation, reward
systems have a significant effect on work motivation, leadership does not significantly
influence the performance, reward systems have a significant effect on performance, and
work motivation has significant effect on performance.
The coefficient of determination (R2) for path model is 0.9841 or 98.41% in the form of a
percentage. It means the diversity of data that can be explained in this study is 98.41%.
The information contained in the data amounted to 98.41% can be explained by the path
model. While the rest of 1.59% are explained by other variables which arenot examined
in this study.


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How to Cite
Hanik, U., Suroso, I., & Dimyati, M. (2018). THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP AND THE SYSTEM APPRECIATION OF WORK MOTIVATION AND PERFORMANCE. MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication, 1(1).