Pengaruh Teamwork dan Reward Terhadap Employee Performance Dengan Job Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Intervening

  • Sifa Alviana Hasan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
  • Helmi Buyung Aulia Safrizal Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Keywords: Teamwork, Reward, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance


This research is aimed at understanding the influence of youth on teamwork and rewarded employee performance by using job satisfaction as a mediation variable. This study was conducted to identify the factors that would influence the level of performance in UMKM. In conducting this research, the researchers applied the quantitative method used as the basis for the conduct of the research. As for the data sources obtained from primary and secondary data as the medium in collecting the data. This research uses the Likert Scale which is useful as a scale in the measurement of the quizzer. In data processing, the analytical techniques applied to this research are through SEMPLS analysis techniques. X1 (teamwork) to Y (job satisfaction) has a positive and non-significant impact, X1 to Z (teamwork) to significant positive effect, X2 (reward) to not significant positive impact on Y (employee performance), X2 to job satisfaction, Z to employer performance positive and significant impact, X1 to Y (team job performance) cannot be mediated or carried out by Z (job performance), X2 to Y (job satisfaction).

How to Cite
Alviana Hasan, S., & Buyung Aulia Safrizal, H. (2024). Pengaruh Teamwork dan Reward Terhadap Employee Performance Dengan Job Satisfaction Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Relasi : Jurnal Ekonomi, 21(1), 89-105.