Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Upah Minimum dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur

  • Dinar Aulia Rahman STIE Mandala
  • Muhammad Firdaus STIE Mandala
  • Mustofa Mustofa STIE Mandala
Keywords: Education Level, Minimum Wage, Economic Growth of Labor Absorption


This study aims to determine the effect of education level, minimum wage and economic growth in East Java Province either partially or simultaneously. This study uses secondary data with the analysis method used is multiple linear regression consisting of time series data during the period 2001-2016. The results showed that partially the level of education has a positive and significant effect on the absorption of manpower in East Java Province and the growth of the economy partially has a negative and significant effect on the absorption of manpower in East Java Province. Simultaneously the level of education and economic growth have a significant effect on the absorption of labor in East Java Province. Minimum wage is issued in the analysis of this study because of the problem on the classical assumption of multicollinearity test.
