GotKING: Optimalisasi Pengolahan Limbah Organik Melalui Budidaya Inovasi Maggot Sebagai Produk Unggulan Desa Karangharjo Kabupaten Jember
Karangharjo Village in Silo District, Jember Regency, has an increasing growth of organic waste. To overcome this problem, the proposal team will develop maggot cultivation as an environmentally friendly and economical solution. The team will work with the Karangharjo BUMDes Lumbung Center Community to manage this program. The proposed solutions include education about vegetable waste management, training in maggot cultivation, production of processed dried maggots (GotKING), and online product marketing. The team will provide training and assistance to the Lumbung Center Community to manage maggot cultivation and produce marketable products. Outcome targets include GotKING product development, publishing articles in journals and mass media, documentation of activities, and obtaining business legality. The expected achievement is an increase in the community's ability to process organic waste and awareness of the importance of waste management. Implementation methods include preparation, implementation (socialization, training, implementation), and evaluation stages. Thus, it is hoped that this program can provide a sustainable solution to the problem of organic waste and increase public awareness of the importance of waste management.