Analisis Tingkat Efisiensi Penggunaan Modal Kerja Dengan Profit Margin, Turnover Of Operating Asset, Rentabilitas Ekonomi Pada PT. Tigaraksa Satria Tbk
The purpose of this research is to know Working Capital Management reviewed from the Profit Margin (PM), Turnover Of Operating Asset (TOA), Rentabilitas economic at PT Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk period 2020-2022. The subject in this research is PT Tigaraksa Satria and the object in this research is financial period 2020-2022 including financial items in the balance sheet and Income statement report. Data collection method that used in this research is documentation and study of literature. Data analysis method that used in this research is historical ratio standards.Based on the results revealed that the performance of working capital management at PT Tigaraksa Satria, Tbk period 2020-2022 is efficient enough