Pengaruh Promosi Penjualan, Store Atmosphere, Variasi Produk, Dan Money Availability Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Golden Market Jember

  • Ayu Kharisma Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mandala
  • Suwignyo Widagdo Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Mandala
  • Nely Supeni
Keywords: Promosi Penjualan, Store Atmosphere, Variasi Produk, Money Availability, Impulse Buying


This study aims to determine the effect of sales promotion, store atmosphere, product variety, and money availability on impulse buying in Golden Market Jember. The population in this study is all cunsumers who have made impulse buying at Golden Market Jember Supermarket. The samples used were 50 respondents who were consumers who had carries out impulse buying at Golden Market Jember Supermarket. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The method of data analysis uses multiple linear regression with help of SPSS 20. The test used is data instrument test (validity and reliability), the classic assumption test (normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test), analysis multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination (R2), hypothesis test (t test and F test). The results showed that partially sales promotion has a significant effect on impulse buying; store atmosphere has no significant effect on impulse buying; product variety has significant effect on impulse buying; money availability has no significant effect on impulse buying; and simultaneously sales promotion, store atmosphere, product variety, money availability has significant effect on impulse buying in Golden Market Jember.

How to Cite
Kharisma, A., Widagdo, S., & Supeni, N. (2023). Pengaruh Promosi Penjualan, Store Atmosphere, Variasi Produk, Dan Money Availability Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Golden Market Jember. JMBI : Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Informatika, 3(2), 1-14.