INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Inside : Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas </strong>is a journal in the field of technology studies published twice a year in July and December by Faculty System, Technology, and Industry. The editors receive scientific articles in the form of conceptual script or unpublished research results or other scientific publications related to Technology themes which cover Expert System, Decision Support System, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence System, Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management, Big Data, and other theme are relevan.</p> <p>This journal has been indexed by: Crosreff, Garuda, Google Schoolar, and Indonesia Onesearch</p> <p>This journal has become a Crosreff Member, therefore, all articles published by Inside : Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas will have unique <strong>DOI</strong>&nbsp;number.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Iqbal Sabillilrasyad) (Difari Afreyna Fauziah) Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 LIBRARY BOOK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AT MTs IBRAHIMY SECANG KALIPURO <p>Data System is a system that works sequentially, interconnected with each other in order to digest information that will later create useful information. On the other hand, the library itself is a service space in a Learning Institution which will later aim to achieve the development of the Learning Institution, especially at MTs Ibrahimy. However, library management at MTs Ibrahimy is still manual, namely by writing in a catalog book, so that when inputting new books, recording borrowings, returns and when members are looking for references, it is still difficult. This study designs a website-based library management information system using the PHP and MySQL programming languages. The method used by the researcher is a quantitative approach by collecting information through direct observation and interviews. The process that is developed by the system uses the waterfall method which includes the stages of needs, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance and from the results of this study is a library book management data system that is expected to be able to improve more efficiency in managing the library at MTs Ibrahimy and also make it easier for officers to manage book information and reports, and help students find the references needed to support learning activities.</p> Ahmad Fauzan, Syarif Aminul Khoiri Copyright (c) 2024 INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of K-Means Algorithm for Poverty Clustering (Case Study: East Java Province) <p>Poverty is a crucial issue that requires attention and effective handling to achieve equitable development. This study aims to utilise the K-Means algorithm in clustering poverty in East Java based on the classification of available data. This study uses poverty data from the Central Bureau of Statistics from 2013-2024, including indicators of the number of poor people by district/city in East Java. The K-Means algorithm is used to cluster the regions in East Java into homogeneous groups in terms of poverty. The process begins with data preprocessing, normalisation, and selection of the optimal K parameter for the algorithm. The clustering results are expected to provide a clearer picture of poverty distribution and enable more targeted and effective policy development. The results of this study obtained 3 main clusters of poverty in the province of East Java, including cluster 0 small poverty category 23 regions, cluster 1 medium poverty category 15 regions and cluster 2 high poverty category. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the planning of more targeted social and economic interventions in East Java. With the use of the K-Means algorithm, it is expected that there will be an improvement in the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programmes through a data-driven and analytical approach.</p> Agung Muliawan, Difari Afreyna Fauziah, Mas’ud Hermansyah, Nur Andita Prasetyo, M. Faiz Firdausi Copyright (c) 2024 INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Identifying Self-Confidence Profiles of Elementary School Students through Clustering of Public Speaking Training Results <p>This study investigated the effectiveness of a public speaking training intervention for elementary school students. 27 students were assessed on five public speaking aspects: intonation, articulation, facial expression, confidence, and creativity. Students showed greater proficiency in confidence and creativity compared to intonation and facial expression. Hierarchical clustering using Ward's linkage method identified two distinct clusters of students with differing public speaking profiles. The research highlights the benefits of public speaking training for elementary students and the importance of tailoring interventions to address specific weaknesses. The identification of distinct student clusters based on their public speaking abilities provides a framework for developing targeted interventions that cater to individual student needs, promoting effective communication skills from an early age. Future research could explore the long-term impact of such targeted interventions and the relationship between public speaking abilities and other academic and social outcomes.</p> Iqbal Sabilirrasyad, M Faiz Firdausi , Agung Muliawan, Nur Andita Prasetyo, Mas’ud Hermansyah Copyright (c) 2024 INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Cooperative Customer Loan Eligibility Assessment System Using The Weighted Product (WP) Method <p>The loan eligibility assessment model is an important aspect in cooperative financial management to ensure that loans are given to customers who truly meet the requirements and are able to fulfill repayment obligations. This research aims to develop a decision support model using the Weighted Product (WP) method in assessing the suitability of cooperative customers. The WP method was chosen because of its ability to integrate various criteria with certain weights, thereby enabling a more objective, transparent and structured assessment process. The criteria used in this research include length of cooperative membership, compliance with paying deposits, loan payment records, savings history, total monthly income, ratio of income to installments, and value of collateral for loans. Alternative customer data is analyzed using the WP method to produce a final score that represents the eligibility level of each customer. The research results show that this model is effective in helping cooperatives identify customers who are worthy of receiving loans based on a combination of predetermined criteria and weights. Implementing the WP method is also able to minimize the risk of bad credit by prioritizing customers with a low risk profile. Thus, it is hoped that this model can become a reliable tool in supporting decision making in cooperatives, as well as increasing efficiency and accuracy in the loan granting process.</p> Mas'ud Hermansyah, Iqbal Sabilirrasyad, Agung Muliawan, Nur Andita Prasetyo, M. Faiz Firdausi Copyright (c) 2024 INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluating Manual Kinematics and Unity’s Built-in Physics for Real-Time Ballistic Simulations: A Comparative Study <p>Real-world ballistic testing is often constrained by high costs, time requirements, and safety risks. Modern game engines, such as Unity, offer a cost-effective alternative for simulating projectile motion. This study compares two physics approaches in Unity—manual kinematics and the built-in Rigidbody system—to assess their effectiveness in modeling projectile trajectories. We evaluate their accuracy by comparing simulated paths to an ideal ballistic model and measure computational efficiency through execution time and frame rate (frames per second, FPS). Experimental outcomes indicate that manual kinematics yields higher fidelity to theoretical physics, while the built-in Rigidbody method facilitates scalability and reduces implementation complexity for large simulations. By mitigating the need for potentially hazardous field tests, this research provides practical guidance for academics and industry professionals seeking to optimize real-time ballistic simulations and broadens the scope of virtual experimentation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> simulation, physics, Unity, manual kinematics, Rigidbody.</p> Reza Putra Pradana, Afis Asryullah Pratama, Akas Bagus Setiawan, Khen Dedes, Fatimatuzzahra Copyright (c) 2024 INSIDE - Jurnal Sistem Informatika Cerdas Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700