The Effect Of Discount, Advertising And Product Quality On Impulsive Purchase Decisions At Burger King Roxy Square Branch Jember

  • Hayatul Maspufah Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala



This  research  was  conducted  on  Roxy  Square  Jember's  Burger  King consumer.  This  study  aims  to  determine and  analyze the effect  of  Discounts, Advertising, Product quality on purchasing decisions impulsively. As a tool for collecting data in this study by conducting observations, Interviews, And questionnaires to 80 respondents as consumers of Burger King Roxy Square Jember branch. With purposive sampling technique using multiple linear regression analysis tools, test data instruments  (validity test, Reliability test). Classic assumption test (normality test, Multicollinearity test, Heteroscedasticity test), And hypothesis test (t test, coefficient of determination). Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out using multiple linear regression analysis method of discount variables, Advertising, Product quality has a positive effect on impulsive buying decisions. In the t test that has been done also has a significant effect on the variable discount, Advertising, Product quality on impulsive buying decisions. The F test also shows a positive influence together on the three variables.
