The Effect of Self Control, Workload, and Organizational Environment on Cyberloafing Behavior of Employees

  • Dedy Wijaya Kusuma STIE Mandala
  • Fajar Imanni STIE Mandala


This study aims to knowing and analyzing the influence of self-control, workload, and organizational environment on
cyberloafing behavior of employees of the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of Bondowoso Regency. This study uses
quantitative methods with data collection techniques through the distribution of questionnaires and library data. The
sample in this study based on the Slovin formula were 42 employees of the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of
Bondowoso Regency, with a random sample method. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression using
SPSS version 25. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis, test data quality, classic assumption test,
multiple linear regression analysis, test the coefficient of determination (R2) study indicate that self-control, workload, and organizational environment have a simultaneous and significant effect
on employee cyberloafing behavior as shown by the significance level of F count of 3.829 > 2.84 and adjusted R square
of 0.172. This means that the contribution of self-control, workload, and organizational environment is 17.2% to
cyberloafing behavior. 
Keywords: Self Control, Workload, Organizational Environment, and Cyberloafing Behavior
