Era Globalization and studies theory about Ratio Profit Sharing Islamic Banking also Conventional Interest Income Bank Customers in Jember (Case study Danamon Syaria Bank )

  • Yani Dahliani STIE Mandala Jember


Era Gobalization and studies theory according to Islamic Shari'a, Islamic bank principle by the principle of al-Mudharabah. Which is based on this principlei Islamic bank will serve as a partner, either by savers, with entrepreneurs who borrow funds, with depositors, the bank will act as mudharib (manager) , while savers act as Shohibul maal (funder). Between both held mudharabah who hold the advantage of each party, on the other hand employers or lenders Islamic bank will act as Sohibul maal (funder) , both derived from umbilical savers or bank deposits and funds itself in th form of capital shareholders .Meanwhile, employers or borrowers will serve as mudharib (manager) For doing business many contemporary events discussed today is about procedure of in a way play and manage bank funds. Object of this research Theory is in Danamon Bank conventoinal and Bank Danamon Syariah in Jember which is a bank with a large-scale market segmentation. The object under study is that determining the procedures for the profit sharing ratio in financing profit and loss sharing and customer interest income (interest is is used to evaluate the analyzed data is descriptive qualitative after calculated the average of the interest income customers of commercial banks and Islamic banks profit sharing ratio. From the results of the comparative study of the analysis will be evaluated and conclusions drawn and would put forward suggestions and repair if necessary.


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