The role of systems and information technology have influenced the lifestyle and way of trading community which is termed as e-life, such as e-commerce, e-banking, e-learning, elibrary, e-journals, e-government, e-vote and any it is based electronics and accessed by internet or online. On governance Implementation of the government information technology systems was urged realized in order to establish working procedures of the government to be more simple, responsive, and transparent. The success of information systems is an interesting research topic to be researched. Many research model that has been used to identify the determinants of successful implementation of information systems, but the evaluation of the application of technology has always demanded a more comprehensive measurement of success. The success or failure of information systems is highly dependent on the fit between the human factor, organization and technology. Integrated models of acceptance Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), information systems success model of DeLone and McLean (D and M IS Success Model) and the addition of the suitability model of Human-Organization-Technology (HOT) -Fit Framework is expected to generate a model integrated able to provide better representation in the measurement of the comprehensive application of information technology. It motivates researchers to evaluate the success of Accounting System of Agency (SAI) application usage.The purpose of this study is to examine and provide empirical evidence about Human, Organization and Technology factors towards user satisfaction of applications SAI’s user. Research conducted on 68 respondents who are manage SAI at Election Commission of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The research model using the structural model analysis with Smart PLS 3.0. The results show that the human and technology factors have positive effect on user satisfaction, while the organizational factors do not affect the user satisfaction of SAI. The implications of this study that the user satisfaction can be increased by increasing the human factors and technology used of the SAI.