Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi 2024-09-04T15:43:30+07:00 Tamriatin Hidayah Open Journal Systems <p><strong><span lang="EN-US">Publication Frequency</span></strong></p> <p><span lang="EN-US">RIEMBA - Journal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi It published regularly twice a year (March and September).<br></span></p> <p><strong><span lang="EN-US">Open Access Policy</span></strong><span lang="EN-US"><br>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</span></p> <p><strong><span lang="EN-US">Publications Charges</span></strong><span lang="EN-US"><br>Once an article is accepted and in press, authors are required to pay publication charges. These fees cover the cost for publication of the article in print, online and through various other applications. For all the papers the publication charge is 50.000 IDR. The cost for Open Access, Publication of the article in online, Editorials, Review Articles, Comments is Free of charge.</span></p> ANALISIS PENGARUH PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE, PEOPLE, PROCESS, DAN PHYSICAL EVIDENCE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KATERING DI KAREN KATERING JEMBER 2024-09-04T15:42:20+07:00 Veranda Nauli Elisabeth Rajagukguk Tamriatin Hidayah Hayatul Maspufah <p>This study aims to determine the effect of product, price, promotion, place, people, process, and <br>physical evidence on catering purchasing decisions at Karen Katering Jember. This type of <br>research is quantitative with data sources obtained through purposive sampling techniques with <br>questionnaire distribution methods. The data analysis method of this study uses multiple linear <br>regression analysis methods. The results of this study are Product (Significance value of 0.016 <br>&lt;0.050) has a partial effect on purchasing decisions. Price (Significance value of 0.745&gt; 0.050) <br>does not have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. Promotion (Significance value of 0.032 <br>&lt;0.050) has a partial effect on purchasing decisions. Place (Significance value of 0.083&gt; 0.050) <br>does not have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. People (Significance value of 0.867&gt; <br>0.050) does not have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. Process has a partial effect on <br>purchasing decisions. Physical Evidence (Significance value of 0.000 &lt; 0.050) has a partial <br>effect on purchasing decisions. The conclusion of this study shows that the variables product, <br>promotion, process, and physical evidence have a positive and significant effect on purchasing <br>decisions while the variables place, people and price do not have a significant effect on <br>purchasing decisions.<br><br><br></p> 2024-09-04T15:15:23+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, CITRA MEREK, PROMOSI DAN HARGA TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN MELALUI KEPUASAN KONSUMEN SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING PADA WIZZMIE JEMBER 2024-09-04T15:42:33+07:00 Yessy Kusuma Sari Hary Sulaksono Hayatul Maspufah <p>This study aims to find out the direct and indirect effects of product quality variables, <br>brand image, promotion and price on customer loyalty and its influence on consumer <br>satisfaction as an intervening variable on Wizzmie Jember. The poll in this study was a consumer <br>of Wizzmie Jember. The sample used in this study was 102 respondents obtained from Cochran's <br>formula with a minimum sample of 96 respondents. The type of research in this study uses <br>quantitative research methods. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The data <br>analysis method uses path analysis (path analysis) with the help of SPSS 20. Tests used are <br>instrument tests (validity tests and reliability tests), classic assumption tests (normality tests, <br>multicollinierity tests, heteroskedasticity tests), hypothesis tests (tests) and sobel testing. <br>Research results show that promotional effects do not have a direct effect, and then product <br>quality, brand image and price have a direct effect on consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, <br>promotion, price and consumer satisfaction have a direct effect and product quality and brand <br>image have no direct effect on customer loyalty. Then product quality and promotion have no <br>indirect effect and brand image and price have an indirect effect on customer loyalty through <br>consumer satisfaction.</p> 2024-09-04T15:23:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK, KUALITAS PELAYANAN, HARGA, PROMOSI DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA KONVEKSI CV. PESONA JEMBER ID 2024-09-04T15:42:47+07:00 Ananta Dwi Saputra Hamzah Fansuri Jusuf Tamriatin Hidayah <p>This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, service quality, price, promotion <br>and location in a partial and simultaneous manner on purchasing decisions on CV Pesona <br>Jember ID convection. The population in this study was consumers of CV Pesona Jember ID. <br>The sample used was 60 respondents with roscoe formula. The sampling technique used is <br>incidental sampling. The data analysis method uses multiple linear regression analysis with the <br>help of SPSS 20. Tests used by instrument tests (validity tests and reliability tests), classical <br>assumptions tests (normality tests, multicollinierity tests and heteroskedasticity tests), coefficient <br>determination tests (R2) and hypothesis testing (test and test). The results of this study show that <br>product quality, service quality, promotion and location have no partial effect on purchasing <br>decisions and prices have a partial effect on purchasing decisions, then product quality, service <br>quality, prices, promotions and locations have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions.</p> 2024-09-04T15:24:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN KERJA, KEPEMIMPINAN, BUDAYA ORGANISASI, DAN PROMOSI JABATAN TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PERUSAHAAN UMUM DAERAH PERKEBUNAN KAHYANGAN JEMBER 2024-09-04T15:42:59+07:00 Adin Tri Wartono Suwignyo Widagdo Haifa Haifa <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of work environment, leadership, <br>organizational culture, and position promotion on employee performance at the Kahyangan <br>Jember Plantation Regional Public Company. The type of research used is quantitative research. <br>The data used is primary data with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires and <br>literature studies. The data analysis method used is data validity test, classical assumption test, <br>multiple linear regression, r2 determination coefficient test, and hypothesis testing. The results <br>showed that Leadership and Organizational Culture had a partial effect on Employee <br>Performance. While the Work Environment and Position Promotion have no effect on Employee <br>Performance. While the Work Environment, Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Position <br>Promotion simultaneously affect Employee Performance. <br><br></p> 2024-09-04T15:31:18+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK DALAM MEMBAYAR PAJAK BUMI DAN BANGUNAN DI DESA PATEMON KECAMATAN PAKUSARI KABUPATEN JEMBER 2024-09-04T15:43:09+07:00 Monica Erliyana Kusuma muh Firdaus Nurshadrina Kartika Sari <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of tax knowledge, tax awareness, tax penalties, income <br>level, and tax socialization on the compliance of land and building taxpayers. The population in <br>this study consists of taxpayers in Patemon Village who have rights and obligations over land <br>and buildings. The sampling technique used in this study is purposive sampling, resulting in a <br>sample of 60 respondents. The data analysis method employed is multiple linear regression <br>analysis using SPSS Statistics 25. The results of the study indicate that partially, the variables of <br>tax knowledge and tax socialization have an effect on the compliance of land and building <br>taxpayers. Meanwhile, the variables of tax awareness, tax penalties, and income level do not <br>have an effect on the compliance of land and building taxpayers. Simultaneously, tax knowledge, <br>tax awareness, tax penalties, income level, and tax socialization influence the compliance of land <br>and building taxpayers.<br><br></p> 2024-09-04T15:36:12+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI PENGARUH KINERJA LINGKUNGAN, PROFITABILITAS, MEDIA SOSIAL, SENSITIVITAS INDUSTRI, UKURAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP PENGUNGKAPAN CORPORATE SOSIAL RESPONSIBILITY PADA PERUSAHAAN SEKTOR BARANG BAKU DI BEI 2024-09-04T15:43:20+07:00 Inayatul Jannah Diana Dwi Astuti Mainatul Ilmi <p>This research aims to determine the personal and simultaneous influence of <br>environmental performance variables, profitability, social media, industry sensitivity and <br>company size on CSR disclosure. The population used was 107 companies and the resulting <br>sample was 10 companies. The data collection method in this research uses multiple linear <br>regression analysis with the help of the SPSS 25 analysis tool. Data collection in this research <br>uses a purposive sampling method using certain criteria. environmental performance, <br>profitability, industry sensitivity and company size have no partial effect on CSR, while social <br>media has a partial effect on CSR.<br><br></p> 2024-09-04T15:40:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RIEMBA - JURNAL RISET EKONOMI, MANAJEMEN, BISNIS DAN AKUNTANSI