Influence Of Third-Party Funds, Opertional Risk, Loan Banco Nasional Do Comersio De Timor Leste (Bnctl) Dili Timor-Leste

  • Ezaquiel Ribeiro de Jesus Institute of Business (IOB) Dili
Keywords: Third Party Funds, Operational Risk, Loan To Deposit Ratio and Profitability (ROA)


The research aims to determine the effect of third-party funds, operational risks, and loan to deposit ratios on profitability on Banco Nasional do Comércio de Timor-Leste (BNCTL). The method used is quantitative descriptive analysis. This type of data is Secondary data source from bank BNCTL's financial statements for the period 2010-2018, consisting of balance sheet statements and loss / profit statements. In this study, researcher conducted observations on financial statement data through annual reports provided by BNCTL for the period 2010-2018, thus getting nine years of observation. After secondary data is collected and analyzed then, tested using multiple linear regression analysis models. This analysis model consists of a normality test, an autocorrelation test, a multicollinearity test, and a regression model determination test. Based on the results of the analysis found, the results of the study showed that the variables DPK, BOPO and LDR, positively and significantly influential.

How to Cite
de Jesus, E. R. (2022). Influence Of Third-Party Funds, Opertional Risk, Loan Banco Nasional Do Comersio De Timor Leste (Bnctl) Dili Timor-Leste. ABM: International Journal of Administration, Business and Management, 4(1), 16-35.