Purchasing Decision Model, Product Quality And Service Quality On Consumer Satisfaction On The Shopee Application Marketplace In Jember Regency

  • Angga Ade Permana Angga Institute of Technology and Science Mandala
  • Wasana Sinrungtam Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Ihrom Caesar Ananta Putra Institute of Technology and Science Mandala
  • Abdul Wahid Institute of Technology and Science Mandala
  • Zainul Hasan Institute of Technology and Science Mandala
Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality, Purchasing Decisions, Consumer Satisfaction


Previous research is the most important thing in a research or scientific article. Previous research is useful for strengthening theories and phenomena that influence variables. This article reviews the factors that influence Product Quality and Service Quality on Purchasing Decisions and Consumer Satisfaction, a Marketing Management Literature Study. The purpose of writing this marketing management literature review article is to build a hypothesis that can be used in further research. The results of this library research are: 1) The Influence of Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction; 2) The Influence of Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction; 3) The Influence of Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction; 4) The Influence of Service Quality on Consumer Satisfaction; 5) The Influence of Consumer Satisfaction on Purchasing Decisions;

How to Cite
Angga, A. A. P., Sinrungtam , W., Caesar Ananta Putra, I., Wahid, A., & Hasan, Z. (2024). Purchasing Decision Model, Product Quality And Service Quality On Consumer Satisfaction On The Shopee Application Marketplace In Jember Regency. ABM: International Journal of Administration, Business and Management, 6(1), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.31967/abm.v6i1.1070