MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication <p style="text-align: justify;">MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (January - June and July - December) by Program Studi Magister Manajemen, Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala. MBA is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on management and business. E-ISSN 2615-0352, P-ISSN 2614-1981.<br>MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication invites manuscripts in the various topics include human resource management, marketing management, financial management, management information system, strategic management, enterpreneurship, business development, organizational behavior, consumer behavior, and economics development.</p> Program Studi Magister Manajemen, Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala en-US MBA : Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2614-1981 STUDY OF PERCEPTION PUBLIC AT SYSTEM PAWNSHOP SYARIAH BRANCH TANJUNG MARKET IN JEMBER <p>The financial instution is delived into, namely bank financial instutions and non-bank financial instutions. One of the non-bank financial instutions is instution in the form of public company (perum). The background of this research is to know the views and perceptions of the society to the pawnshops of sharia branch&nbsp; tanjubg marketin&nbsp; Jember&nbsp; as well as the factors that determine the community to choose pawnshops as one source to abtain funds. The problem in this research is how is the society perception of sharia pawn system in pasar tanjung and to know what are the factors that determine the people prefer anh how sharia pawnshops in running the system and whether people understand about how the system implemented by pawnshop sharia. In this research descriptive in the form of field research Descriptive method is a method in examining the status of a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought or an event in the present. The purpose of this descriptive research of sharia pawn system. The results of research that has been done shows that the community is very supportive of sharia pawnshops, with sharia pawnshops can help the community&nbsp;&nbsp; down in obtaining funds quickly easil, greatly assist the community in its financial problems to meet their needs but the lack of socialization conducted by pawnshops sharia making people who pawned gold or other goods made ignorance and lack of understanding of the system and akad used by sharia pawnshops, this resulted in 100% of respondents experiencing a lack of understanding of the system, products and contracts implemented by the sharia pawnshops<em>.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Perception, Society, System Pawn Shop Sharia</em></p> Yani Dahliani Yuniorita Indah Handayani Helmi Agus Salim Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 96 106 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1129 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY IN THE CREATIVE DIGITAL INDUSTRY? WHY NOT! <p>This research refers to the implementation of digital marketing strategies carried out by Seven Creative Media, along with the types of content they use. Seven Creative Media is one of the creative digital industries actively marketing through several social media platforms. This research aims to identify the elements used in digital marketing techniques to increase brand awareness, the role of social media in brand awareness, and the content used to enhance brand awareness in the Creative Digital Industry. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach, with purposive sampling of 16 informants based on specific criteria. The results show that the elements used in digital marketing techniques to increase brand awareness at Seven Creative Media have met market needs and market responses. The role of social media in promoting brand awareness by Seven Creative Media has successfully created content with an audience that already has engagement, leading to an increase in the reach of consistent content. The content created by Seven Creative Media is quite eye-catching, supported by clear voice-over articulation, ensuring that the information is conveyed very well. The image quality in the videos is also clear, allowing viewers to easily understand the content's message. Unique selling is also applied by Seven Creative Media, where this creative digital industry employs storytelling that includes product or service education.</p> <p>Keywords : Digital Marketing, Social Media, Brand Awareness, Content Marketing, Creative Digital Industry</p> Jovie Candra Purnama Agustin Hari Prastyowati Dedy Wijaya Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 107 122 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1130 THE INFLUENCE OF COMPETENCE, MOTIVATION AND DISCIPLINE ON TEACHER PERFORMANCE MIFTAHUL MIDAD ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL <p><em>Teachers in Islamic boarding schools are very important in the development of national education. They are responsible for creating the production process of students or students who have quality and capacity in general education as well as religious knowledge, the output of which is to deliver the sons and daughters of Islamic boarding school foundations to have intellectual and spiritual intelligence. This will be influenced by the quality of the teachers' performance. This study focuses on the influence of Competence, Motivation and discipline of school teachers who are members of the Miftahul Midad Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Lumajang Regency. The sample of this study was the teachers of the Miftahul Midad Islamic Boarding School Foundation in Lumajang Regency, totaling 42 respondents with a saturated sampling method (census). This study uses quantitative analysis to assess the relationship between the variables of competence, motivation and discipline on teacher performance. The results of the study indicate that competence, motivation and discipline partially influence the performance of teachers of the Miftahul Midad Islamic boarding school foundation in Lumajang Regency. The coefficient of determination is 0.643. This means that 64.3% of performance can be influenced by the competence, motivation, and discipline of teachers.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Competence, motivation, discipline, performance, Islamic boarding school</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Fauzan Muttaqien Novy Fitria Via Lailatur Rizki Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 123 129 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1131 THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP STYLE, MOTIVATION AND WORK ENVIRONMENT TO EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE DPRD SECRETARIAT REGENCY BONDOWOSO <p>Technological developments require organizations to continue to compete to develop their organizations by optimizing employee performance in order to achieve organizational goals. Human Management Resource is a science or method of managing the relationships and roles of human resources owned by individuals efficiently and effectively so that the common goals of the organization , employees and society are achieved. maximum. Based on the theory of performance improvement and supported by the results of previous similar research, the research object chosen was the Bondowoso Regency DPRD Secretariat. The researchers limited this research by only focusing on the issue of the influence of leadership style, motivation and work environment on employee performance. This research aims to provide empirical evidence regarding the influence of leadership style, motivation and work environment on employee performance. The sample size that can represent the population to be studied is 77 respondents. The data analysis technique used in this research is the regression method, the research results support the entire hypothesis that has been proposed. Based on the results, the hypothesis which states that the work environment has a significant effect on employee performance is accepted. This shows that if the work environment at the Bondowoso Regency DPRD Secretariat is getting better and more comfortable, it will make employee performance increase. &nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Leadership Style, Motivation, Work Environment, Employee Performance.</p> Windu Kristiningsih Yuniorita Indah Handayani Muhammad Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 130 145 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1132 THE INFLUENCE OF COORDINATION AND JOB DESCRIPTION ON WORK PRODUCTIVITY THROUGH WORK DISCIPLINE OF REGIONAL HEAD PROTOCOLARY EMPLOYEES IN THE PROTOCOL AND COMMUNICATION SECTION OF BONDOWOSO REGIONAL SECRETARIAT LEADERS <p>Measuring the work productivity of Regional Head Protocol employees in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Bondowoso Regency Regional Secretariat Leadership is an important concern in the context of optimizing the implementation of protocol events and public services. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of coordination and job descriptions on work productivity through the work discipline of Regional Head Protocol employees in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Bondowoso Regency Regional Secretariat Leadership. The population and sample in this research were 50 employees, so the sampling technique used was saturated sampling or census. The research method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods. The data analysis technique used in this research is path analysis with the help of the SPSS application. The test results prove that coordination and job descriptions have a significant effect on work discipline and the work productivity of employees in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Regional Secretariat of Bondowoso Regency. Work discipline is able to provide a mediating effect between coordination and job description on work productivity. Keywords: coordination, job description, work discipline and productivity.</p> <p>Keywords: coordination, job description, work discipline and productivity</p> Dwi Prasetyo Suwignyo Widagdo Yuniorita Indah Handayani Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 146 163 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1133 THE IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT OF LEADERSHIP STYLE IN IMPROVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN THE LEADERSHIP PROTOCOL AND COMMUNICATION (PROKOPIM) SECTION OF THE REGIONAL SECRETARIAT OF BANYUWANGI REGENCY <p>This research aims to determine and analyze the implementation and impact of leadership styles in improving the performance of employees in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Regional Secretariat of Banyuwangi Regency. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach where data will be analyzed descriptively originating from interviews, notes and the author's observations. The sampling technique in this research used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the implementation of leadership styles can improve employee performance. This is proven by the application of a democratic leadership style in accordance with employee characteristics, the division head can receive suggestions and input from superiors and subordinates well, apart from this, the Prokopim division head is good at handling problems by minimizing the negative impact on employees. The impact of leadership style can improve employee performance. This is proven by the fulfillment of employee rights, including the right to leave, the right to incentives, career advancement, additional income, rewards for employees with good performance, punishment for employees with poor performance, motivation and example as driving factors for improving employee performance from the previous year.</p> <p>Keywords: Leadership Style, Leadership Protocol and Communication and Employee Performance</p> Fikri Nur Ahmad Fauzi Agustin Hari Prastyowati Dedy Wijaya Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 164 178 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1134 THE INFLUENCE OF EDUCATION, DISCIPLINE, WORK EXPERIENCE AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES OF THE BONDOWOSO DISTRICT COMMUNITY AND VILLAGE EMPOWERMENT SERVICES <p>Performance which can affect public services and the achievement of organizational goals. <br>This research was built with the aim of testing and analyzing the influence of education, discipline, <br>work experience and work environment on the performance of employees of the Bondowoso <br>Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service. This research is included in <br>confirmatory research with a sample size of 52 respondents, saturated sampling technique was <br>used due to the limited number of employees. The data analysis technique used is Multiple Linear <br>Regression processed with SPSS 25.0. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that both <br>partially and simultaneously the variables of education, discipline, work experience and work <br>environment have a significant effect on the performance of employees of the Bondowoso <br>Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service. The results of the coefficient of <br>determination show that education, work discipline, work experience and work environment have <br>a contribution of 84.0% to the performance variable. <br>Keywords : education, discipline, experience, work environment and performance</p> Rahmawati Rahmawati Muhammad Firdaus Diana Dwi Astuti Copyright (c) 2024 MBA - Journal of Management and Business Aplication 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 7 2 179 192 10.31967/mba.v7i2.1135