JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research 2024-08-03T10:39:05+07:00 Muhammad Firdaus Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JEMBAR: Journal of Economic, Management, Business, and Accounting Research (E-ISSN 3031-5476)</strong> is an academic journal organized and operated by <strong>Faculty of Economics and Business</strong>, <a href="">Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala</a> which aims at publishing conceptual thought or idea and research findings that have been achieved in the field of Economic, Management, Business, and Accounting studies. This journal published 2 times a year, every April and October.</p> THE INFLUENCE OF FARMING EXPERIENCE, PRODUCTION COSTS, SELLING PRICE, AND NUMBER OF TREES THROUGH PRODUCTION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES ON THE INCOME OF CRYSTAL GUAVA FARMERS IN UMBULSARI DISTRICT, JEMBER REGENCY 2024-08-03T10:39:03+07:00 Affan Fathoni Muhammad Firdaus Farid Wahyudi <p>This research aims to determine the influence of farming experience and costs production, selling price, and number of trees through production as variables intervening on the income of crystal guava farmers in Umbulsari District Jember Regency. The data used in this research is data secondary and primary data collected through distributing questionnaires against 96 correspondents. The sampling technique used in this research is a non-probability sampling technique with the snowball sampling method. The data processing method uses the path analysis method with the help of tools SPSS 25 analysis. The test used in this research is the instrument test data (Validity and Reliability Test), classic assumption test, t test, and Sobel test. Results This research shows directly the variable of farming experience significant effect on production variables, while cost variables production, selling price, and number of trees do not have a significant effect on production variables. And directly the variables are production costs, selling prices, and production has a significant effect on the income variable, meanwhile the variables of farming experience and number of trees did not have a significant effect to the income variable. To test indirectly, use the test Sobel test calculator concluded that the farming experience variable through the production variable has a significant effect on the income variable crystal guava farmers in Umbulsari District, Jember Regency.</p> 2024-04-30T22:33:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research ANALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF GROUPER FISH HATCHERY CULTIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON COMMUNITY WELFARE 2024-08-03T10:39:05+07:00 Dewi Utari Sunarsih Farid Wahyudi <p>The aim of this research is to formulate a potential strategy for grouper hatchery cultivation that is good for use in cultivation in Pasir Putih Village, Bungatan District, Situbondo Regency. The analytical method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method using SWOT analysis. This research uses primary data by means of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results of this research are that the obstacles to grouper hatchery cultivation are fish diseases caused by viruses and fish dying during delivery. However, the profitability of grouper hatchery cultivation is quite promising. This grouper hatchery cultivation has internal factors in the form of strengths including strategic location, availability of cultivation land, availability of labor, high potential for aquaculture. And the weaknesses include expensive capital, poor quality of human resource knowledge, high operational costs, climate change. As well as external factors in the form of opportunities including high market demand, opening up employment opportunities, high prices for grouper fish, increasing people's income. And threats include disease in fish, lots of competitors, fish dying during shipping, environmental pollution. In calculating the IFAS matrix with a score of 0.24 which includes a strength score of 2.15 and weaknesses with a score of 1.91 and the EFAS matrix with a score of 0.38 includes an opportunity score of 2.15 and a threat score of 1.76 which determines Grouper hatchery cultivation in Pasir Putih Village is located in quadrant I position with favorable conditions, has great strength and utilizes opportunities effectively, this grouper hatchery cultivation can use aggressive strategies. Then, the impact of grouper hatchery cultivation on the people of Pasir Putih Village is very profitable because it can open up job opportunities and improve the standard of living of the affected&nbsp;people.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research INFLUENCE OF CAPITAL, WORKING HOURS, PRICE AND LENGTH OF BUSINESS THROUGHINCOME LEVEL AGAINST WELFARE LEVELBASIC FOOD TRADERS IN WRINGIN VILLAGE, WRINGIN DISTRICT, BONDOWOSO REGENCY 2024-08-03T10:39:00+07:00 Mohammad Kholil Farid Wahyudi Dedy Wijaya Kusuma <p>This research was conducted to determine the influence of capital, working hours, price and length of business on welfare through the income of basic food traders as an intervening variable. Using a quantitative approach with the sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique. The sample used was 42 respondents who were basic food traders in Wringin Village, Wringin District, Bondowoso Regency. In analyzing the data, this research uses the path analysis method. This research shows that (1). The variables capital, working hours and length of business do not have a significant effect on the income of basic food traders. (2). The price variable has a significant effect on the income of basic food traders. (3). The capital variable has a significant effect on the welfare of basic food traders. (4). The variables working hours, price and length of business do not have a significant effect on the welfare of basic food traders. (5). The variables capital and length of business have no effect on welfare through the income of basic food traders. (6). Working hours and price variables influence welfare through the income of basic food traders. (7). The income variable has a significant effect on the welfare of basic food traders.</p> 2024-04-30T23:02:03+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research THE INFLUENCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES, CAPITAL, TYPE OF BUSINESS AND WORKING HOURS ON INCOME THROUGH PRODUCTIVITY AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE IN BUMDES CITRA MANDIRI JEMBER 2024-08-03T10:38:58+07:00 Rokayyah Ica Nurjannah Farid Wahyudi Dedy Wijaya Kusuma <p>This research aims to analyze the effect of human resources, capital, type of business and working hours on income through productivity as an intervening variable at BUMDes Citra Mandiri Jember. The analysis method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis method. The data used in this research is primary data. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with a sample size of 30 respondents. The analysis tool used is path analysis using SPSS Version 25. The results showed that in the model 1 path regression test, the variable type of business had an effect on productivity, while the variables of human resources, capital and working hours had no effect on the productivity of BUMDes Citra Mandiri Jember. In the model 2 path regression test, the variables of human resources, capital, type of business, working hours and productivity have no effect on the income of BUMDes Citra Mandiri Jember.</p> 2024-04-30T23:15:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research FACTORS INFLUENCING ACCOUNTING STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS' INTEREST IN CHOOSING A CAREER TO BECOME PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN JEMBER DISTRICT 2024-08-03T10:38:55+07:00 Suprehatin Nanda Widaninggar Nurshadrina Kartika Sari <p>This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the interest of accounting study program students in choosing a career as a public accountant at universities in Jember Regency. The data collection method in this research is by distributing questionnaires. The population of this research is students of the Accounting Study Program at universities in Jember Regency, totaling 1,957. The sampling technique was carried out using a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method used is Multiple Linear Regression. The research results show that academic achievement and gender partially influence the choice of career as a public accountant. Meanwhile, professional training, personality, parental influence, and requirements to become an accountant do not influence the choice of a career as a public accountant. Simultaneously, professional training, personality, academic achievement, parental influence, requirements to become an accountant, and gender influence the career choice of becoming a public accountant.</p> 2024-04-30T23:37:32+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research EFFECT OF FREE SHIPPING PROMOTION,CUSTOMER RATING, CUSTOMER REVIEW REGARDING PURCHASE DECISIONS AT THE ONLINE SHOP SHOPEE UD SURYA JAYA ABADI MOTOR 2024-08-03T10:38:53+07:00 Antonius Gunawan Hamzah Fansuri Yusuf Tamriatin Hidayah <p>Economic and business developments in Indonesia currently have an impact on increasing the rate of growth in Indonesian business. Technological developments have shifted customer behavior from purchasing through offline shops to purchasing through online shops. With the increasing development of technology through online shops, people do not need to come directly to the shop, even young people are now deciding to buy automotive products through online shops because there are so many users of this application. Entrepreneurs in the industry are expected to be able to identify all forms of competition they will face in the automotive sector. Technological development shave shifted customer behavior from purchasing through offline shops to purchasing through online shops. These changes have influenced consumer purchasing decisions in purchasing a product. This is largely influenced by their perception of the price, product, place promotion (marketing mix) that has been determined by the company so far. This research aims to analyze the influence of Free Shipping Promotions, Customer Ratings, and Customer Reviews on purchasing decisions at the Shopee online shop. The method used is to provide questionnaires to consumers using the Shopee application and collect quantitative data. After collecting data through interviews and giving questionnaires, the results showed that the free shipping promotion variables, customer ratings, and customer reviews had a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.</p> 2024-04-30T23:50:14+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ON POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN RAMBIPUJI VILLAGE, RAMBIPUJI DISTRICT, JEMBER DISTRICT 2024-08-03T10:38:51+07:00 Trya Dara Destia Purnama Sari Farid Wahyudi Ratih Rachmawati <p>This study aims to determine the effect of age, health, household income, number of family dependents on the level of family welfare of beneficiaries through the intervening variable achievement of social assistance programs. The method used is quantitative descriptive research. The population in this study was KPM (beneficiary family) from 64 social assistance programs in Rambipuji Village. Sampling uses probability samples because it provides the same opportunity to be used as a sample with simple random sampling. Data analysis techniques to answer the hypothesis in this study use the path analysis method.</p> 2024-04-30T23:59:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JEMBAR - Journal Of Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Research