Classification of Receipt of BPNT Social Assistance Using the C4.5 Algorithm (Case of the Grujugan Kidul Village Office)

  • Abdul Wahid Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala
  • Masud Hermansyah Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala
  • M. Faiz Firdausi Institut Teknologi dan Sains Mandala


BPNT social assistance is a government program that is unsustainable to help the lives of people who are selected selectively and periodically, social assistance is intended for some people in villages who are considered financially unable, so they need help from the government. BPNT social assistance, commonly known as social assistance, is assistance charged by the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget. The Municipal Government of Bondowoso provides various kinds of assistance programs, one of which is the BPNT Social Assistance, the distribution of which is carried out by the Grujugan Kidul Village Office. In the selection process to determine the beneficiaries of BPNT Social Assistance at the Grujugan Kidul Village Office, they still have not fully used information technology to support employee performance. So there are obstacles and it takes a long time. Therefore, we need a system that can help employees more easily determine beneficiaries. The application of Data Mining is a series of processes to find added value semi-manually in the form of unknown knowledge from a data set. In this study, the parameters are income, employment, and DTKS status. By implementing the C4.5 Data Mining Algorithm, it is hoped that it will make it easier and faster for employees to determine recipients of BPNT Social Assistance at the Grujugan Kidul Village Office. Paper, we describe the formatting guidelines for Proceedings. Maximum 200 words.
