Bumdes Governance As A Benchmarking For Village Fund Management In Alasbuluh Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency

  • Muhammad Zainul Haq University of Jember
  • Zainuri Zainuri University of Jember


Village Owned Enterprises are business units that are profit oriented because they are not the same as village enterprises business in general, so that social considerations must be considered in implementing it. On  basically BUMDes is a form of consolidation or strengthening of village economic institutions and is wrong  one goal is to accelerate the advancement of the village economy. So that people can directly feel the impact. The Randu Jaya BUMDes owned by the Alasbuluh Village government currently still exists and developing, so that it can provide concrete evidence of its success in managing BUMDes, Villages Alasbuluh is used as a benchmark by other villages wishing to learn about management BUMDes.This study used a qualitative method approach with a descriptive research type, in determining the research subject to usepurposive as well as using data collection through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study are,management of village funds and business development which was formed and managed by BUMDes Randu Jaya in Alasbuluh Village.And BUMDes Randu Jaya's efforts to design itself asbenchmark as stagesbenchmarking whell, with policy innovations that are carried out, namely partnering work, forming a standardization team and optimizing social media.
